The Coastal Stations
Reports from Coastal Stations
Travels to the weather stations reported on the BBC Shipping Forecast
'We knocked the bugger off' to quote Edmund Hilary
Leaving on the ferry. Lots of stories from the Isle of Lewis
Arriving in the morning at Lerwick. Not much daylight here at this time of year
A front line RAF base, but my Irish passport was welcome!
Sending in the 18:00 weather report.
A final push took me to Sandetti.
We arrived at Greenwich at night, so no pictures, but I needed to climb by day so I could be sure of finding my way at night.
An outing on folding bikes.
At St Mary's airport
Hi, I'm Geoff Saunders, long time traveler and adventurer in a small way. Hearing the BBC Shipping forecast over many years it can become hypnotic. But a forecast is just that, possible future weather. To make a forecast you need reliable observations, from many places. Robert Fitzroy was the first to establish a series of Coastal Observation Weather Stations, and gather the information to produce the first weather forecasts. He actually coined the term 'Weather Forecast'. The BBC still reports these, though not as frequently as it did. Now you need to be up late or early to catch the Weather Reports from Coastal Stations, the inspiration for this website, and my book.